I just spend some hours trying to figure out why, after upgrading from Debian Lenny to Ubuntu Lucid, the Wake-on-LAN feature of my HTPC was broken.
So, for the archive:
I had to reenable the WOL-feature after each restart, which is different from the behaviour before.
First of all, i got to install ethtool:
sudo apt-get install ethtool
Then i just added an entry to the skript executed on each system halt (/etc/init.d/halt)
do_stop () {
/usr/sbin/ethtool --change eth2 wol g
eth2 needs to be adapted to the interface to wake on, of course.
The option "--change wol g" enables plain Wake-on-lan (without password).
Of course additionally the "Wake on PCI-E / Ring" options needs to be enabled in BIOS.
Maybe this information gets useful for somebody.